Showing posts from September, 2024
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Whenever you try to do something positive, do you have a negative thought like "This is pointless, or nobody cares about this?" I want this blog and this community to be a success. I can't listen to that voice that the devil says it's pointless. I have no idea who is reading this. I could say something that will help someone. One person. Of course, I'm not Jesus, but he was walking with a crowd around him, and someone touched him and was healed. He did not know who it was but knew power had left him. This message isn't just for you, readers. This is for me. I have stopped and started this blog again and again. I MUST NOT STOP!!!. And there's another thing I need to recognize. This is not a popularity contest. If the stats are low, that should not deter me. I am going to a church now where the pastor, his wife, and I are the only ones regularly there. See the picture above. Look at the empty seats. That has not stopped this pastor. And he has really fixe...
Forgive myself and move on
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I've been upset about my situation for a long time. To make a long story short, I got into serious trouble several years ago. It's the type of thing that's hard to come back from. Enough is enough. I have to move on and forgive myself. I was young and dumb. I've seen my nephews and nieces grow up. I want this month to be the month that I turn my life around. Like the Drake song says, "God's Plan". Jesus got me out of the worst possible trouble for a reason. I believe He wants me to use my story as an example. A cautionary tale to avoid making the same mistakes. And I have to stop thinking about what I don't have and what I do have. Bible Gateway Matthew 26:28 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgive ness of sins .
The case for Kamala Harris - The CNN Interview
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Kamala laid out her campaign platform in her speech at the Democratic National Convention. The video captured everything you want to know about her agenda. She said she would be a President for all Americans and a common-sense, practical President. She wants to build up and strengthen the middle class and vowed a tax cut. In her words, she said she would create an opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to compete and succeed. She wants to lower the cost of everyday needs like healthcare, houses, and groceries and end the housing shortage. She pledged to protect Social Security and Medicare. She also stated she would provide small businesses with access to capital. Kamala promised to bring workers, small business owners, and American companies together to create jobs. In this interview with CNN's Dana Bash Kamala reiterated those points
Happy Labor Day
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I hope everyone has a safe and fun Labor Day. I'm taking it easy today, but I will work on my blog and edit my book, Thru The Glass. From Bible Gateway: Psalm 100 A psalm. For giving grateful praise. 1 Shout for joy to the Lord , all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his [ a ] ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. 5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Unrest in Israel
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On October 7th 2023, Hamas crossed over into Israel and attacked concertgoers at a music festival, and they also attacked nearby villages. They killed people, raped women, and, I believe, burned some babies alive. They took several hostages and took them back to Gaza. This was the most significant attack on Jews since the Holocaust. The world watched in horror as these events unfolded. Since then, there have been talks about a ceasefire. Some hostages have been released in exchange for Palestinian (Hamas) prisoners. Just recently, the Israeli Defense Force found six dead hostages in a tunnel, and one of them was an American citizen. Israeli protestors have taken to the streets of Israel. They are demanding Prime Minister Netanyahu negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas. So far, the protests have been somewhat peaceful.
Kamala Harris DNC speech
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Christians should have a U.S. President with morals and Christian values. A U.S. President is one of the most powerful people in the world. Kamala has a great personality. She is very professional, and the jobs she has held make her a qualified candidate. She was a California prosecutor, a District Attorney, an Attorney General of California, and a Vice President of the United States. Donald Trump comes across as racist, unhinged, unstable, and with questionable morals. For example, the Access Hollywood tape where he said he could grab a woman by the p...... because he was a celebrity. He had an affair with Stormy Daniels, a porn star. He questioned Kamala's Blackness. Let's not forget that Trump began his political career when he rode down the Golden escalator at Trump Towers and said that Mexicans were criminals and rapists and bringing drugs into the country.
Rededicating myself to witness for Christ
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I have wandered in circles, like the Israelites when Moses took them to the promised land. The Bible says they wandered in the desert for 40 years. I say this because, for several years, I have tried to work for myself. I've bounced between writing, art, and app development. For all this time, I feel like I have put God last. God, Jesus, has been there for me during the good and bad times. He helped me when I didn't deserve it. I don't pray enough or read His word enough. I've got to change. I've got to change. I must put Jesus first. The Bible says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all other things will be given to you." I've decided that when I write, I'll write nonfiction like my memoir Thru The Glass. Today, I am back editing it. I had released it on Amazon years ago, but back in 2022, I took the book and added both of my journals. I stopped editing it back then because I did not want to release it. But now I realize it is the most i...
Jesus Get To The Other Side - Pastor Sherman Anderson - 01 September 2024
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