
Showing posts from January, 2019

Must stay vigilant

I have been slack in making posts to this site.  Guess I was discourage because of the number of views.  I know to keep at it and not worry about views maybe i should brainstorm what I could do to increase the number of views.  Currently I am reading my bible stories book The Way, The Truth, The Light.  Trying to memorize it.

Movie Tuesday: Good Deeds


Working on Quentin Issue 4

Lord, I thank you for a new day to use my art skills.  Despite setbacks in 2018 I am here to start a great new year. Amen,

The Rev. Sylvester Smith, PHD - A New Year's Homily - Good Shepard Baptist Church

The Rev. Sylvester Smith, PHD - A New Year's Homily - click to listen